Privacy Policy

Private data I receive and collect.

Every relationship, even business relationships, are based on trust. I've already stated my disgust with the deception of fake sites pretending to be a health insurance solution only to harvest contact information and sell it to multiple people who contact you until the end on time. No one would enter their information if they knew that was going to happen. I prefer clients to contact me directly before entering information anywhere. That's why there are no forms on the website other than direct quote and enroll links for the Under 65 ACA plans, Short-Term Medical Plans, Life Insurance, Dental Insurance, Vision Insurance, and some discount plans. Even though those sites assign me as the insurance agent, I expect clients to contact me first before making a choice on a plan just so that I can verify that it will fit their needs. Your information is kept secure and isn't sold to any vendors. If I enroll you with a company, then that company will have your information and may contact you in the future.     

A little About Me

I find out what your needs are and then from my pool of multiple carriers, I find the right plan that meets your needs & budget. Benefits: It doesn't increase your premiums to have me as your an agent, it avoids the pitfalls mentioned above, and it saves time shopping individual insurance companies.

As an Independent Broker /Agent, my goal is to offer every Medicare plan option available.  Medicare requires this disclaimer verbatim even though I do offer every plan available in Tulsa County except for I-SNPs which are MA plans for individuals in an institution.  Medicare Disclaimer: "We do not offer every plan available in your area.  We represent a number of MA organizations, which offer products in your area.  Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area.  Please contact 1-800-medicare or your local State Health Insurance  Program to get information on all of your options. "   Obviously, Medicare is requiring this due to some brokers on a local and national scale not offering all plans in all areas.  

I'm licensed in Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Ohio, and Virginia.